
The Rise of Smart Warehousing in India

The next decade of warehousing and the supply chain is set to witness the best in emerging technology. Aditya Vazirani shares more on the trend.

MHE in India: What drives the sector

There is high growth potential in material handling industry in India considering the pipeline of opportunities in construction and infrastructures sectors.

An Uphill Task

Lack of availability of certified skilled equipment operators is a major issue faced by construction contractor in India.

Loading Bay Solutions

Avians has been the pioneer in bringing innovation and advanced features in the field of industrial automated doors.

Setting New Benchmark

Growth in warehousing and logistics sector is picking up with the introduction of GST and infrastructure status to logistics. In this scenario, the warehousing and material handling equipment players are gearing up to meet the emerging demand for advanced equipment.

The Rise of Smart Warehousing in India

For a fast-evolving global economy like India, a sophisticated logistics, and warehousing system is a key driver for consistent growth.

New Growth Avenues

Warehousing segment in India is evolving fast and is moving towards palletised loads which can be stored at heights.

Innovations in Warehousing

Warehousing industry in India needs innovative approach to achieve improved efficiency. Asim Behera explains more on the current scenario and the importance of advanced innovative warehousing solutions to meet the emerging demands.

Growth | The Way Forward

Industrial cranes are the backbone of manufacturing, infrastructure and construction in the country. In light of economy revival and Make-in-India drive in the country, the market for this equipment is expected to grow many fold in the coming decade.

Material Handling: Meteoric Rise

Modern warehousing and inter modal logistics industry initiatives in India, have redefined how business is conducted in the country in most industry sectors as well as its geographic regions.