
Prioritising ports

The modernisation of ports is a prerequisite. The various policy measures announced in the sector are expected to increase investor confidence in the sector which in turn will translate into great opportunities for growth in the port equipment market.

Port Infra Needs Facelift

Developing new ports and terminals and the revival of old infrastructure at major ports in the country are expected to open up new opportunities for port equipment companies.

Kalmar contributes to better cargo handling practices

Sustainable, eco-efficient and environment-friendly logistic solutions will be the future of the ports and logistics industry.

Handling methods need to be upgraded at Indian ports

Kalmar has been pioneer in many path-breaking technologies in port handling solutions. Praveen Waychal, Director - Solution Sales, India Region, Cargotec India, elaborates on the Indian port scenario and the latest container handling solutions.

Good transshipment facilities will drive port sector growth

In spite of the vast coastline and more port facilities across the coastline, India is still lagging behind many ports in the region in cargo handling efficiency. Anil Bhatia, Vice President - Sales & Marketing, TIL, elaborates on the market scenario and outlook.

Out of the Box

Container logistics in India has transformed over the last decade in many ways. The constant change is challenging the established methods of handling and transportation of containers. More and more stringent rules for safety and weighing of containers are keeping all manufacturers of container handling equipment in a constant innovation mode.

Uplifting Future

Advanced material handling and warehousing equipment have a vital role that can help speed up the efficiency of logistics industry. More focus on palletisation and the opening up of retail segment

A Healthy Outlook

Increasing investments and cargo traffic point to a healthy outlook for India?s ports sector. Cargo traffic, which was 976 million metric tonne (mmt) in 2012, is expected to reach 1,758 mmt by 2017.

Emerging Trends

Introduction of GST, more focus on palletisation, and expected opening up of retail segment are expected to boost the demand for forklifts.