We are actively focusing on digital solutions and telematics
Being a product manager, what are the key responsibilities you hold in your role?
Im responsible for crushing chambers. The unique aspect of this is that different brands use these same chambers, which adds complexity to our development process as we must cater to various brands and regions.

From a development perspective, could you elaborate on your goals and objectives?
In todays environment, developing entirely new crushing technologies is both challenging and time-consuming. Therefore, our primary focus is on improving existing technologies to make machines safer, easier to operate, and more productive. Environmental considerations are also crucial. We aim to remove components with toxic elements, reducing health and safety risks and environmental contaminants. Additionally, we are working to eliminate the need for oxy-acetylene cutting and welding, as these processes release harmful substances into the atmosphere. So, our main goals are to enhance safety, productivity, and environmental sustainability.

You mentioned the importance of regional considerations. Could you provide an example of how you adapt products for specific markets, like India?
India is a unique market. While we may have successfully improved product performance in other regions, the Indian market is very price-sensitive. So, any changes must prioritise cost reduction. However, we also need to account for differences in skill levels among machine operators. Indias labour force, much like in some other regions, may not possess the same level of expertise. Hence, we have been delving into automation controls to make our machines user-friendly, safe, and less prone to malfunctions. Weve developed these solutions locally to cater to the specific needs of the Indian market. Its crucial to have a more connected approach to meet regional demands effectively.

How do you view the Indian market for your product, especially the automation controls you mentioned?
For automation controls and crushing chambers, the Indian market is distinct. Certain types of crushers are more popular in India than others due to their unique materials and demands. Our challenge is to introduce new concepts and technologies like automation controls, which might initially appear costly but can significantly boost productivity. The Indian market needs to embrace technology, just like how people use advanced features on their smartphones. We aim to open doors for Indian customers to realise the benefits of innovation.

Besides the price sensitivity, are there other challenges specific to the Indian market or challenges you face globally?
While I may not have a finger on the pulse of the Indian market, I can share some challenges weve faced globally. In the past, our products were predominantly used in the iron ore industry. However, we've seen a shift toward aggregates, which has required us to adapt our machines to different materials and demands. As the market evolves, we must stay ahead and anticipate future needs. This can be challenging as it involves both reacting to current demands and proactively developing products for anticipated future requirements.

How do you prioritise new product technologies or improvements to existing machines?
Prioritisation is driven by customer feedback, market observations, and competition analysis. We rely on our sales teams and brand product managers to gather information about customer needs and what competitors are offering. This information is crucial in deciding which technologies to invest in. Additionally, we must also anticipate future market needs, which is a more challenging and risky endeavour. The balance between reacting to current demands and looking into the future is crucial in our product development process.

What role does innovation play in the product development process?
Innovation is essential in our product development. We aim to avoid merely duplicating existing products and instead offer new features or improvements to distinguish our products from the competition. This helps us provide the best possible machines that are reliable, high-performing, user-friendly, and cost-effective. Innovation is about staying ahead of the curve and offering something that truly benefits our customers.

Could you tell us more about the skill development initiatives at Terex and how you provide training to your teams?
Skill development is crucial, especially when introducing new technologies like automation controls. It starts with our local teams learning and growing as they develop and implement these new solutions. In this case, the team in India has had the opportunity to learn and expand their skills. Additionally, we offer training programs to ensure that our dealers and customers can use the technology effectively and comfortably. This includes ensuring the technology is user-friendly and that support is readily available when needed.

You mentioned sustainability. How does Terex Material Processing contribute to sustainable solutions in product development?
Terex Material Processing is actively focusing on digital solutions, telematics, and electronic controls. These digital technologies not only enhance product performance and reliability but also contribute to sustainability and safety. We aim to reduce environmental impact and improve safety while providing cutting-edge technology to our customers.

Finally, how is Terex Material Processing preparing for the future and the competitive market?
To prepare for the future and remain competitive, we continue to invest in digital technologies, expand our product range, and develop innovative solutions. We are committed to staying ahead of customer demands, adapting to changing markets, and providing the best machinery with a focus on performance, safety, and sustainability. Our goal is to offer cutting-edge solutions that set us apart from the competition.