Tata Hitachi Japan-India Institute of Manufacturing hand over certificate to first batch

The certificate handover ceremony for the first and second batches of the Tata Hitachi Japan-India Institute for Manufacturing (JIM) was held today at Tata Hitachi’s plant at Dharwad. The three-year programme for the first batch commenced in 2017 and concluded in 2020. However, the ceremony, which was held up due to the pandemic, was held today along with the second batch. 

A total of 54 trainees from both batches were awarded their certificates at the ceremony. The trainees underwent a mix of training through different methods like classroom, hands-on training at Tata-Hitachi’s own Skill Training Centre and On-the-Job training (OJT) at its shopfloor on different trades like welding, machining, assembly, and painting. The trainees were coached in elements of Japanese manufacturing. The foundation of this process was a Train-the-Trainer programme conducted at Dharwad by the Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS), Japan. Multi-Disciplinary Training Academy (MPTA) is on board as the training partner for the programme.

Sandeep Singh, Managing Director, Tata Hitachi Said, “This programme is a demonstration of the commitment towards bilateral cooperation in manufacturing that was articulated by the governments of India and Japan. This initiative is also a demonstration of our larger commitment to nation building. The intent is to create a proficient and capable workforce that hit the ground running to be productively involved in the process of nation building.â€

S Sasano, Alternate Director, Tata Hitachi said, “This programme is an exemplar of the bilateral cooperation between our two countries towards growth and prosperity. In this endeavour, Japan is fully committed to impart all the knowledge at its disposal. This spirit of cooperation can go a long way in transforming the society by transforming the individual by making them skilled and productive.â€

Sandeep Singh also reiterated the larger benefit that will accrue to the industry. “I am encouraged by the demonstrated capabilities of the first batch. I wish them all the very best, and I am sure that they will do our institute proud with their valuable contribution to the industry wherever they go," he added.