Marini users can easily recycle 35-40 % with minimum investment
Promotion of greener technologies will only happen, when ultimately the end-users benefit from it, says Blesson Varghese, Managing Director, Marini India. Excerpts from the interview...

What are the solutions offered by Marini in hot and cold recycling?
Fayat Group is the global leader and the only full liner in road building equipment industry. Today, we serve our customers the complete range of hot/cold/in-plant/in-place technologies, which allow use of RAP from 0-100 per cent. While these proven technologies have been existing for years, and have been proven time and again world over, the situation in the industry doesn?t really create a demand for these technologies, as much as the potential that exists. Last year, Marini plants produced the highest amount of recycled asphalt in the industry and the performances of these pavements are exceptionally high.

What are the technology trends in equipment and machinery in this area?
Recycling rates are going higher and higher worldwide. In order to serve our customers? appetite for processing high quality RAP, we have developed various solutions, which can be offered as an upgrade on the existing asphalt plants or can be brought in as a completely dedicated equipment for RAP processing.

Being the world?s largest supplier of mobile asphalt plants, puts us into an advantage position here, as we bring in the best processing technology, coupled with the ease in operations, maintenance and mobility. Today, we find customers are looking for versatile recycling solutions, some demand hot and cold recycling on the same equipment; some seek to have technologies which help them to cater to a wide range of recycling. Users want to have equipment which can help them move from 0-100 per cent without any hassles, depending on the RAP quality, availability and the projects in hand. We have been able to successfully cater to these demands with the world?s largest product range of equipment for recycling.

What is your take on the existing specs?
Recycling technologies have been in use in Europe, US and other advanced countries for ages. All these technologies have their own benefits and application range. India seems to spend a lot of time, trying to re-invent the wheel. Promotion of greener technologies will only happen, when ultimately the end-users benefit from it. I think the specifications or lack of it is not a major bottleneck, this could be resolved easily. I think these technologies can be pushed faster, if the benefits are transferred to the companies who are investing in it.

With non-essential intervention in the projects and demands on the benefits by implementing of these modern technologies, seem to be the main reason, which derail the implementation of these technologies. Many professional road builders, therefore want to play safe and have no trouble with authorities. While freedom comes only with responsibility, it would be much better for regulatory bodies to be more concerned by the final mix and pavement quality along with stringent environmental norms, than intervening on other aspects, which slows down the process of new project implementation. A completely new approach to reward use of sustainable technology in the country, could witness a faster implementation of such beneficial technologies.

Some contractors cite the lack of availability of quality RAP as reason for not using RAP in road projects? What is your take on this?
Contractors who have used RAP have an insatiable hunger for recycling, due to the benefits arising from these technologies. This is where the balance and maturity in equipment technology and RAP supply comes in to play. I know few companies who have invested very heavily into RAP technologies, but aren?t even able to produce 15 per cent RAP mixes consistently. Our approach and focus in this field is not just sale of equipment, but promotion of a very crucial technology. So, we brief our customers and end-users on how to smartly find a balance where investment, recycled material and equipment can deliver the most with minimum demands on investments. RAP quality could be a problem and we have realised the same. However, with Marini?s Rapport programme, we transfer complete knowhow to customers to prepare and manage their recycled materials to the best use and return on investment.

Our solutions can be offered as an upgrade on the existing asphalt plants.