Malaysian developer adds three Potain MCT 385 cranes
Malaysian equipment rental company Megah Sewa is adding three Potain MCT 385 cranes to its fleet for the first time. Megah Sewa is the plant and equipment subsidiary of Gamuda, the largest infrastructure development company in Malaysia, and for its most recent investments, it added three Potain topless tower cranes. The company selected these units in particular to improve project completion times and to work within its parent company?s new Gamuda Intelligent Building System division, which handles prefabricated construction.

?We have tight schedules for our projects, so we need reliable cranes that could help reduce the project time and manual labor requirements,? said Foong Seng Aun, General Manager, Megah Sewa. ?Also, with the increasing popularity of precast construction we need cranes with the capacity and reach to handle the larger components this method requires.?

With a maximum capacity of 20 t and maximum radius of 75 m, the Potain MCT 385 with free standing height of 61.5 m and loading capacity of 6.3 t at the working radius of 50 m was comfortably able to lift the heavy precast components and steel reinforcement used in the project.