Cost-efficient logistics drives
<span style="font-weight: bold;">NORD offers cost-efficient logistics drives in three preferred configurations.</span><p></p><p> In plants with many drive units, the total cost of ownership (TCO) can be reduced by up to 70 per cent through intelligent management of variants. Therefore, Nord Drivesystems has established three preferred sizes for efficient variable-frequency drives in material handling and conveyor applications. These cover the typical functional and performance requirements in postal hubs, intralogistics applications, and baggage handling systems. The standardised drive systems greatly simplify purchasing, engineering, commissioning, and spare parts stocking. Moreover, they are particularly easy to install, operate, and maintain.</p><p>Limiting the number of variants can yield greater TCO savings than any other measure except for lowering energy consumption. Therefore, drive manufacturers should be able to provide viable drive system standardisations for specific industrial segments. Preferred variants will also benefit customers by simplifying the procurement process, from the first drive purchase to any orders that may follow. </p><p>Fewer variants also make inventory management much easier. Furthermore, they make planning and engineering processes less complex for everyone - the drive supplier, the OEM, and the end user. The challenge is to select as few drive configurations as possible in such a way that they adequately fulfill the varied tasks without being oversized. Drive engineers therefore need to thoroughly analyse sector-specific patterns of drive operation and application-specific needs. Nord has developed the LogiDrive line of three preferred drive variants optimised for these applications. LogiDrive systems ensure leaner purchasing, engineering, system maintenance, and staff training processes. Only very few spare parts must be kept in stock. As a result, the TCO in postal hubs, warehouses, and baggage handling systems can be reduced by up to 70 per cent.</p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Three variants, much flexibility</span><br />The LogiDrive line is the solution for conveyor systems spanning many hundred metres. The variable-frequency drives (VFDs) allow for simple daisy-chaining; short power lines can be connected from one drive to the next. NORD has tailored this line to intralogistics and airport technology. Three geared motor variants meet all typical performance requirements. IE4 permanent-magnet synchronous motors with power ratings of 1.1 kW, 1.5 kW, or 2.2 kW are combined with efficient two-stage helical-bevel gearboxes in twosizes for torques up to 260 Nm. Robust frequency inverters from the NORDAC LINK series enable a wide range of speeds. The systems feature a high overload capacity and offer a uniquely versatile range of functions.</p><p> Interfaces for all commercially available communication protocols are available, including PROFINET, Ethernet POWERLINK, EtherCAT, and EtherNet/IP.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">User-friendly and efficient</span><br />LogiDrive systems are easy, quick, and safe to install thanks to coded plug-in connectors. Maintenance switches, key switches, and direction switches on the devices allow for flexible direct access to individual drive axes for setup or service. Sensors and actuators can be connected via M12 plugs. Sensor data collected by the inverters can be passed on to higher-level systems, which reduces otherwise necessary wiring. Plug and play, pre-parameterised inverters also simplify maintenance. Drive components can be easily replaced. Instead of swapping out entire drive units, for instance, only the geared motor can be exchanged. Thanks to their light-alloy housings, the compact drives are easy to handle as well: on average, they are about 25 per cent lighter than steel-alloy drives. The LogiDrive systems' IE4 or Super Premium Efficiency synchronous motors take their energy-saving potential to its full extent in conveying systems with frequent artial-load operation. By consuming significantly less energy, they pay for themselves in a very short time.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Conclusion</span><br />Nord Drivesystems has extensive practical experience in the field of conveyor technology. The drive manufacturer has designed efficient drive systems for hundreds of intralogistics plants and airports worldwide. The company draws on a large modular program of drive components that are manufactured in-house. The energy-saving motors are suitable for worldwide use and available in all common efficiency classes. The NORD gear portfolio comprises numerous gear types and covers an extremely wide range of torques and gear ratios. The VFDs provide enhanced intelligence in plant segments and ensure high efficiency especially in partial-load operation. Furthermore, electronic inverters enable highly flexible speed adjustment.</p><p> This allows for limiting the drive variants in a larger installation to only a few sizes and gear ratios. The new LogiDrive systems for airport and other logistics applications demonstrate the benefits of greatly simplified variant management and the major cost savings associated with it.</p>