BKT opens Covid-19 treatment centre at Bhuj plant
BKT has opened a contactless Covid-19 treatment centre at the Bhuj plant, putting health and safety of its workers and employees’ respective families in first place. The centre, which joins the secondary medical assistance services that already exist on the site, employs a doctor and eight healthcare operators and will be responsible for treating workers and their families affected by Covid-19. Built in just three weeks, the unit has the most advanced medical technology, equipped with remote patient monitoring, data analytics on diagnostics and medicine management, high-flow oxygen machines, remote consultations using augmented reality, data availability across the globe for e-consults through Cloud monitoring systems and AI-enabled X-ray imaging system provides the best-in-class care at the BKT facility.

It is one of the first-ever contactless E-ICU, Covid-19 treatment structure to be built outside of a hospital environment in India. Designed by a team of doctors, engineers and IT experts with specific aim of preventing and minimising the risk of the epidemic spread, this facility ensures complete safety for employees, families and collaborators engaged at the BKT site in Bhuj.

This milestone shows once again how important the safety and care of its workers are at BKT. ‘People First’ policy has resulted for best-in-class care for its staff and their respective families during this unprecedented healthcare emergency. The company, which last spring did not hesitate to temporarily suspend production in order to safeguard the health of its employees and collaborators, has restarted production, while still following rigid safety procedures in line not just with the current governmental provisions but also with the strictest globally recognised practices.

Particular attention has been paid in these months also to the communities of the local areas where the company operates to ensure utmost Covid Care can be given to one and all.

“At a time, such as this, corporate social responsibility is more important than ever. We must take care, protect, support and help each other. We are trying to do this in India and in the world through initiatives realised by our branches in Italy and in the US. We need positive messages, commitment, solidarity, and triumph of human spirit,” said Arvind Poddar, Chairman and Managing Director, BKT.

Features of E-ICU unit

To further reduce the risk of contagion and infection, a three-prong strategy of smart screening, responsive testing and proactive medication has been deployed. Initially, detailed community testing was carried out in the factory, and subsequently all the contact tracing protocols were implemented. This enabled the plant to be safe.

The factory apart from Triage Area, isolation facility and medication clinic is also equipped with an Emergency Response Unit, which consists of five intensive care beds and all the latest machinery of infusion pump, high flow oxygen machines, Bipap machines, patient monitors, smart cameras and integrated lab systems for data analysis has been put to treat patients requiring acute care.

While the unit has on-site presence of highly qualified personnel, the technology platform is equipped with dedicated video bridge to connect with the patient’s family, call on the consulting services of any doctor in globe enabled with modern telemedicine and further more provides Cloud data analysis of any point, range and data sets.

Photo quote “At a time, such as this, corporate social responsibility is more important than ever. We must take care, protect, support and help each other.”

Arvind Poddar, Chairman and Managing Director, BKT