Automation Connect 2022: B&R India creating pathway for the future
B&R India organised a grand event in Ahmedabad during the month of October 2022. Leaders working closely with B&R expressed their views through presentations and panel discussions, brought up various important opportunities, and how innovation is a boon to game-changing automation solutions, which will enable our journey together towards a self-reliant India. The event focused on the major innovations highlighting B&Rs contribution and involvement in steering the automation world by creating future-ready automation solutions for smart machines and factories. The event also showcased how innovative technologies are help-ing customers build sustainable solutions and become more resilient. The core agenda of the conference was to look beyond the traditional methods and help Indian manufacturers construct sustainable automation tech-niques for the growth of the manufacturing sector in the country.

Through the keynote address, presentations, and panel discussion, the conference provided a platform for the challenges and provided solutions for the implementation of smart automation technology. The conference started with a B&R global update by Joerg Theis, Chief Executive Officer, B&R; followed by a global sales update by Luca Galluzzi, Chief Sales Officer, B&R. Addressing B&R Indias growth journey towards building innovative solutions and creating a sustainable market impact, Jhankar Dutta, B&Rs Regional Managing Di-rector for Southern & Eastern Asia, showed some important milestones and how smart innovations are chang-ing the growth trends in the Indian market. The demos at the event represented some of the niche technologies by B&R like vision system, PharmaEdge, out-of-the-box ospVFFS and ACOPOS 6D “ showcasing the true collaboration of B&Rs expertise along with ABB robot for adaptive manufacturing.

Overcoming challenges and creating success together
The panel discussion focused on the way our nation is moving ahead by implementing smart innovation tech-niques and adapting to modern business features to restructure the manufacturing and the core business eco-system to build a Self-reliant India. The panel discussion topic was addressed by panelists Susmit Patel, Senior Manager “ Design & Development, Windsor Machines; Gaurov Tyagi, Director “ Tycon Automation; Dhiraj Taneja, Managing Director “ Pet Plast India; Subrata Karmakar, President “ Head of Robotics & Dis-crete Automation, ABB India and Dinesh Mungi, Packaging Expert & Branch Head - Pune, B&R India. 

These experts have shed light on and expressed notable views on some of the important technologies and relevance seen in modern manufacturing practices and how every sector of the manufacturing industry is aligning towards a new path to become more innovative and profitable than before. The new business realities have made stakeholders revisit their operations, supply chain planning, and customer engagement strategies after a period of business disruption in the country. 

Himanshu Sharma, Head “ Marketing and Corporate Communication, curated the panel discussion and con-cluded with some of the important strategies, staying together in business and adapting to build a Self Reliant India.

Adapting to modern technologies 
The conference also hosted two technical presentations, including "The Adaptive Machines: Fast, Flexible, Futuristic" presented by David Hemetsberger, Strategy Manager “ Southern & Eastern Asia, B&R and Pramod Patil, Director - Unilogic Automation along with Mukund Patil, Head “ PFA Application and business devel-opment, B&R India presented some key features and solutions for digital future on Industrial IoT. 

Bill Shukla, Chief Executive Officer, Milacron India addressed the new automation techniques implemented by Milacron. Vinay Bansod, Executive Director & CEO “ Windsor Machines and Pradeep Kumar Rao, Opera-tions Director “ Clearpack India highlighted some of the key features and techniques implemented to achieve excellency. The conference served as an ideal platform for understanding the latest technology trends and helped draw a roadmap for Indian manufacturers to become globally competitive and build a self-reliant India. With an exciting lineup of topics and knowledge exchange, delegates received helpful guidance on various state-of-the-art technologies in all the key sectors and gained knowledge regarding the changing face of modern manufacturing practices in India.

Panel discussion themed "Overcoming challenges - creating success together" focused on technology adop-tion for enabling India to become self-reliant.

Jhankar Dutta showed some important milestones and how smart innovations are changing the growth trends in the Indian market.