A dynamic leader
Parth Patel is a Director at Apollo Techno Equipments Ltd, Gujarat. Previously, he has worked as a Quality Engineer at Automotive Industries, USA. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bangalore, India. He has completed MS in Industrial Engineering from prestigious University at USA.
He completed his training on Industrial Hydraulics at Rexroth Bosch Group, India. He has knowledge of ANSYS, AutoCAD, and Minitab. His expertise lied in CNC programming, CIM Modelling and Arena. His research interests include Manufacturing Process, Quality and Six Sigma.

He has a positive energy and a dream of world-class manufacturing facility that can contribute to the growth of the organisation and the country as well. He is a young, dynamic, energetic, active leader, developing all operational plan, financial planning, marketing planning etc which incorporate goals, objectives that work towards the strategic direction of the organisation.

His aim is to develop a clear vision and strategic planning to guide and lead the organisation nationwide.